Dream Big, Start Small

Let me start my new blog (not really new in real sense, my first Hello World post is actually 5 years ago) with this very essence of success. Wow, sounds like a multi million CEO line, but really, we all knew this very basic simple principle. Dream Big, Start Small. Well, you can always opt to start big. No harm in that. But the most important is start at one point or another. The worst is not starting at all.

I am a dreamer kind of guy. I dreamt about a lot of things, some are just out-of-space impossible. But that’s me. When I was a kid, I watched this move called Richie Rich (yeah, I know you all know that movie). And the thought of rich kid in big mention has haunted me for so many years. I dream of having a rich dad like Richie’s but that is not going to happen (but I’m not giving up hope).

As I grew up, I dreamt of other things like starting a big company, living the life of rich and famous, travelling all around the world and so on and so forth. I love to dream all these nice fantasies but yet I’m still here in this cubicle and typing this post using my office computer (it’s lunch time boss, in case you’re reading this, and yes, I know, it still is wrong). I knew all this while, why I’m still stuck here. The reasons are simple to comprehend. Let me enlighten you.

  1. I dare not to start. Yes, the ultimate reason of all is that I didn’t start anything to pursue my dreams. So waiting the bolls to roll is not going to happen.
  2. I planned too much. The second reason that I have not start anything is that I put too much effort in planning. It has been months of planning and yet even the perfect plan will not succeed (or failed. I’ll get to that later) if it is not implemented.
  3. I’m scared that I will fail. Fear of failing is like failing even before you begin. Yes, sometimes I thought of my other commitments that I really do not want to compromise in my journey to that dreams. But then, If I did not try, how am I suppose to be certain about it.
  4. I am alone. Some people can start on their own and be success. But flipping through the history of great people, they often have partners. Larry Page has Sergey Brin, Jack Dorsey has Evan Williams, Biz Stone and Noah Glass, and when you thought Mark Zuckerberg founded the Facebook, he actually has not done it alone. Watch the movie The Social Network and you’ll get the story.

All of these reasons are the main factor of me going to the path of failing. So now, this very moment, I am going to make a ridiculous changes. I am starting. At least I thought I am.

Last weekend I downloaded the pod-cast from Lewis Howes  episode 27 of The School Of Greatness pod-cast series, and I have replayed it like four of five times since yesterday. It is a good read, urrghh, pod-cast I mean. I strongly advised on getting that episode. One thing that struck me in the head like BANGG!! is that he mentioned that one should go and find mentor. I never thought of that and he can be no less correct about it. I need a mentor to push me around and make me feel uneasy sitting down doing nothing or anoyed of any hassle he might make me do (Okay I exaggerate that a lil’ bit). But the question is who?

I am not in the Big Apple. Finding a mentor in this field of my interest is not easy here in Malaysia, and to be more specific, in Borneo Island. But I have to find one and find him fast.

That’s all for now folks, and I write more of my journey in finding the mentor in my next post. Have a nice day while listening to the Episode 27 from Lewis Howes.

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